Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Where do you think you are? UCLA?

A close colleague of mine recently made this comment to me. I had been discussing general issues and especially the things we needed to start thinking about in the new academic year.

His point was striaght forward. We lack resources and the will to change. He gave examples of countries like Qatar and the UAE where it seems there is a ready supply of money and resources both human and material and 'progrees' is apace.

His point was well taken. Saudi Arabia may be in a bubble of its own and ignoring the developments in education in the region, but we have to be ready to at least have a vision and help the KSA develop. Although there are some pessimists when it comes to the KSA, I believe strongly that the pragmatists in the system will pull through and drive the changes and we need to support them.

As professionals in our own right we need to be making the right noises in the right places. Change is inevitable but only the Creator knows when it will happen.

But in the meantime, some of us have to work hard, take the lead and try to be the lights that will help drive forward change.

So finally, there is no harm in thinking we are at the UCLA if it helps us progress.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe i m gonna say sth irrelevent to your topic in particular. I'm doing a research on the uses of blogs in teaching EFL. I decided to look for blogs used in my own conutry KSA. Do you imagine that there's none? although it's quite popular used around the glob. And you are the only one who is reflecting on EFL. So I m going to refer to your blog as the sole attempt in my research.. Keep Up